2019 GEMS rules
These are the rules of the Scheme as registered with the Council for Medical Schemes (CMS). In an event of a dispute, the registered rules will apply. These rules are effective from 1 January 2019.
GEMS Rules - Main Body
Annexure A - Participating Employers
Main Body Scheme Rules
Annexure B - Contributions and Late Joiner Penalties
Annexure C - Sapphire
Annexure C - Beryl
Annexure C - Ruby
Annexure C - Emerald
Annexure C - Emerald Value
Annexure C - Onyx
Annexure D - Additional Chronic Disease List
Annexure E - Exclusions and Limitations
Annexure F - Personal Medical Savings Accounts
Annexure G - Prescribed Minimum Benefits
At GEMS we believe that every one of our members matter. That is why we have prepared the member newsletter to focus on your specific needs.