The Board of Trustees is responsible for providing guidance on the scheme's strategic direction, overseeing the implementation of the strategic plan by the scheme’s management and managing the organisation’s risk.
The Board of Trustees exercises its powers and performs its duties, as documented in the Rules governing the scheme.
The Board of Trustees also deliberate on matters relating to the scheme's benefits and contributions. The Board of Trustees consists of 12 individuals who are considered ‘fit and proper’ people to sit on the Board.
Fifty percent of the trustees are elected by the scheme’s members through a ballot process, while the remaining fifty percent are appointed by the Minister for Public Service and Administration.
Who is Dr Nomzamo Tutu?
Dr Tutu is a South African citizen residing in Kwa Zulu Natal. Dr Tutu mostly specialises in both medicine and surgery. Her vast experience in Health and Safety derives from having rendered her services across a range of industry-types, including chemicals, packaging, logistics, rail services, breweries and the wine and food industries. Dr Tutu also previously sat in the Board of Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) where she served in various committees, chairing the Finance and Staff and the Transformation Committees. Dr Tutu also serves as a Commissioner in the KwaZulu Natal Provincial Planning Commission (PPC). She is a GEMS Board Member and serves in the Audit Committee, and Finance & Investment Committee, bringing expertise such as Clinical, Construction, Investments and Property Investments.
Career Highlights include:
Having attained her qualification in Medicine and Surgery, Dr Tutu worked at King Edward Hospital between years 1995 to 1999 before venturing into a private medical business, which she ran for many years.Whilst working in the private sector space, she opted to pursue a Diploma in Occupational Health qualification because of the exposure to various industries. Her decision was based on the realisation that Workplace Health and Safety was not a matter of choice for industry, but a business imperative.
Her qualifications include:
Dr Tutu studied a Bachelor of Science Degree (BSc) from the University of Zululand, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) in 1994 from Medunsa, Post Graduate Diploma in Occupational Health (DOH) from the University of Natal and a Post Graduate Diploma in HIV/AIDS Management in the World of Work (PDM) from University of Stellenbosch / Medunsa. Dr Tutu is also a member of the Institute of Directors (IoDSA) and The Ethics Institute (TEI).
Tenure Expires on 29 July 2026
Who is Mr Siyabulela Thomas Tsengiwe?
Mr. Siyabulela Thomas Tsengiwe is a South African citizen residing in Pretoria, Gauteng. He is a seasoned and relentless pursuer of excellence, leveraging over 20 years of public sector experience. A social activist and transformational leader with remarkable critical, problem-solving, and strategic thinking skills. He is member of the GEMS Board of Trustees and serves on the Human Resources & Remuneration Committee, Oversight Committee on Strategic Projects & Programmes and Finance & Investment Committee.
Career Highlights include:
Throughout his career in public service, he has held several notable positions, including serving as the Chief Commissioner of the International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa for a decade, from 2008 to 2017. Currently, he serves on the board of the iKamvelihle Development Trust and was appointed as a Trustee to the GEMS Board in February 2024. Mr. Tsengiwe is the newly elected GEMS Deputy Chairperson as of 16 September 2024. He has also previously served on the Council of the University of Pretoria.
Mr Tsengiwe’s qualifications include:
Siyabulela Tsengiwe holds the following degrees: Bachelor of Commerce; Bachelor of Education; Master of Management in Public and Development Management; and Master of Arts in Applied Ethics for Professionals. He is also a member of IODSA (The Institute of Directors in South Africa).
Who is Ms Conny Ntshane?
Constence Nkobane Ntshane, known as Miss Conny in the industry, is a Mental Health & GBVF Activist and Founder Mental Health Awareness SA Foundation. Miss Conny is employed by the Dept. of Health Mpumalanga Provincial Government (Provincial Office) as Deputy Director: Employee Health and Wellness. Miss Conny sits on the Board of Trustees for the Government Employee Medical Scheme (GEMS) (2019 – 2025) and a member of IoDSA (Institute of Directors South Africa). She is a Social Worker by profession and started out her career in working in a variety of cases from foster care to centre management level. She then moved to the Mthimkhulu Centre for the Aged as Centre Manager and started programmes for the aged. Through her time at ICAS (Independent Counselling and Advisory Services) and Careways, she provided services to Eskom in Standerton and developed the EAP to date. Miss Conny has managed various projects and programmes throughout her career, the latest of which is the Come Back to Work Programme to assist people who have been ill to come back to work. Sis Conny serves as a coach and a mentor to many Wellness Practitioners and holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Public Health. Miss Conny is a regular speaker at events and conferences on Mental Health & GBVF.
Career Highlights include:
She is working as a Deputy Director at the Department of Health Mpumalanga Provincial Government: Employee Health and Wellness (April 2010 – Current), Dept. of Health and Social Services (Provincial Office) - Assistant Director (June 2006 - 2010).
Ms Ntshane’s qualifications include:
Ms Ntshane acquired the following qualifications, Post Graduate Diploma in Public Health (2023), BA Honors Social Work (2001) - University of South Africa, Certificate for Council for Medical Schemes, Trustees Development Programme (2019) –University of Pretoria, Certificate in Gender Excellence – University of Pretoria, Certificate in Employee Assistance Programme – University of Pretoria, Employee Wellness Programme – University of Pretoria, Safety Management in the Workplace), University of South Africa, Short courses include: Computer literate, HIV/AIDS Management, Developmental Assessment of Children and Families, Child Trafficking, Costing an HIV and AIDS workplace Strategy, HIV/AIDS Mainstreaming.
Research completed: Academic - Completed a dissertation on the Effectiveness of Rehabilitation in the Correctional Services, Work - Completed a Need Analysis Survey (Employee Wellness Programmes) for the Health and Social Services, Mpumalanga.
Tenure Expires on 24 September 2025
Who is Dr Kobus Van Zyl?
Mr Izak van Zyl is a South African citizen living in Parys. A retired Teacher and was elected by GEMS members serve on the GEMS Board of Trustees. He serves in the Risk Social and Ethics Committee and the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee, bringing in his expertise in Labour Relations.
Career Highlights include:
From 1980 – 1990 Dr Kobus van Zyl worked at National Manpower Commission, Research and advice on manpower policy and developed a comprehensive labour strategy for South Africa. He was the Director of the NMC, from 1985 to 1990. 1991 – 1995: Department of Labour - Chief Director (Labour Relations) responsible for the administration of the Labour Relations Act, Basic Conditions of Employment Act, Wage Act, Labour Court and Wage Board, from 1996 – 2010: ArcelorMittal SA – Chief Consultant (Labour Relations). Design and implement a new strategy and systems for labour relations within the framework of the new (1995) Labour Relations Act. From 2011 he worked as a Private Business and Labour Consultant.
Dr Van Zyl’s qualifications include:
B Mil, Hons B Com (Personnel Management), MBA, PhD (Industrial Economics), Industrial Relations Development Programme. Dr Van Zyl is a member of the Institute of Directors (IoDSA) and The Ethics Institute (TEI).
Who is Dr Johan Smit?
Dr Johan Smit is a South African citizen residing in Limpopo. He qualified as dentist in 1975 at the University of Pretoria (UP). Worked as a temporary dentist at the then Transvaal Provincial Administration (TPA) from June to December 1975. In private practice, he worked at Luton, United Kingdom, during 1976 until end February 1977 and returned to South Africa to work permanently for the TPA as from 1 April 1977. Dr Smit is a GEMS Board of Trustees Member.
Career Highlights Include:
He was promoted to Senior Superintendent: Dental Services in the Northern Transvaal Region on 1 August 1977. Studied part time post graduate at UP in Public Dental Health and Public Health Administration for the period 1981 to 1984. Both qualifications are registered with the HPCSA. He was promoted to national office of the Department of Health and Welfare in January 1983 as Deputy Director: Preventive and Promotive Dentistry. Promoted to Director in the same office on 1 June 1985. Promoted to Chief Director: Dentistry, internationally known as Chief Dental Officer (CDO), on 1 May 1991. He was nationally responsible for all 6 Oral and Dental Training Hospitals, and all Public Oral Health Services. Due to the new Government, after the democratic elections in 1994 and transfer of the academic Oral and Dental Training Hospitals and Public Oral Health Services (clinical services) from the national Department of Health to the provincial departments of health the Chief Directorate was restructured to become a Directorate (CDO status remained) as from 1 July 1999. He currently serves on the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa (AHPCSA) and the Professional Board for Dental Assisting, Dental Therapy and Oral Hygiene of the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA).
Dr Smit Qualifications include:
BCHD (Dentistry) UP, DTVG (Dental Public Health) UP and DGA (Public Health Administration) UP.He is a member of the Institute of Directors (IoDSA) and The Ethics Institute (TEI). He is a member of the South African Dental Association (SADA).
Who is Mr Pierre Francois De Villiers?
Chief Education Specialist in the Directorate: Curriculum Delivery and Support (TVET Colleges) in the Department of Higher Education and Training, managing curriculum development and support of Engineering related subjects
Career Highlights:
Mr Pierre Francois De Villiers has 33 years’ experience in the education sector with extensive experience in Resulting and Certification, and Curriculum Design practises of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College students. He was a Chief Education Specialist managing and administering resulting and certification processes of approximately 1 200 000 TVET College students for 11 years.
His experience in Subject Advisory Services range from Senior Education Specialist, First Education Specialist, Principal Education Specialist, Deputy Chief Education Specialist to acting Chief Education Specialist in the Gauteng Department of Education. He has experience in performance management development processes and served as the Chairperson of Primary and Secondary School Governing Bodies.
Holds a NND (Engineering Studies) from Ekurhuleni West TVET College, Teachers Diploma from the University of Pretoria and a B.Ed. and M.Ed. qualification from the University of Johannesburg. He is a member of the South African Council of Educators (SACE) and the Institute of Directors S Africa (IoDSA).
Who is Ms Precious Lebohang Khumalo?
Ms Precious Lebohang Khumalo is a qualified professional nurse who brings to GEMS core strengths and knowledge in the hospital and health care industry, Project Management, Public Speaking, Healthcare Information Technology, acute care and wound care.
Career Highlights include:
Ms Precious Lebohang Khumlao is currently an Acting Chief Executive Officer at Heidelberg Hospital. She was also a PHC Clinical Practitioner / Acting Operational Manager at Pholosong Hospital with her role focusing on community outreach programmes.
Ms Lebohang Khumalo also worked as a Research Nurse at Wits RHI. She has also worked in Occupational Health assisting with HIV Counselling and Testing during Wellness Days, Conducting Periodic Medical Check-ups, conducting Lung Function Test and Audiometry Tests.
Ms Precious Lebohang Khumalo has served at Ekurhuleni Aids Council from the year 2013 to 2018. She is also the Regional Secretary at Denosa. She is the founding member of COSATU Young Workers Forum. She was responsible for the establishment of Pholosong Hospital Wound Care Management Clinic.
Career Highlights:
She holds a Diploma in Clinical Nursing Science and a Diploma In General Nursing both from Ann Latsky Nursing College. An Advanced Certificate in Project Management from the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal and Advance Certificate in Healthcare Management from the Foundation for Professional Development.
Who is Mr Neville Ndumo?
Mr Neville Ndumo is a South African citizen residing in Pretoria. He is a Chartered Business Accountant in Practice and a member of the Chartered Institute of Business Accountants. He is also an associate member of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants. He served his articles at Deloitte, Haskins and Sells. Mr Ndumo is a GEMS Board of Trustees Member. He currently serves on the Audit Committee, Risk Social & Ethics Committee and Finance & Investment Committee.
Career Highlights Include:
Mr Ndumo has worked in various capacities in the private sector for over 30 years and has retired as a Group Executive –Portfolio Investments at Community Investment Holdings (Pty)Ltd. He has in the past been on the panel of judges for CEO Magazine’s Excellence in Achievement Awards. He is the immediate past District Treasurer of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa.
Mr Neville Ndumo’s qualification include:
Mr Ndumo holds a Bachelor of Accounting Sciences, Certificate in Taxation, Executive Development Certificate, and Master of Business Leadership. All these qualifications were obtained at UNISA. He is also a member of IODSA (The Institute of Directors in South Africa).
Who is Dr Henk Punt?
Dr Henk Punt is a South African citizen residing in Strand, Western Cape. He is a seasoned professional in the education sector with well over 40 years’ experience. Dr Punt is a member of the GEMS Board of Trustees and serves on the Clinical Governance and Administration Committee and the Human Resources & Remuneration Committee.
Career Highlights Include:
Dr Henk Punt was the Headmaster of Groote Schuur High School in 1995 and served the school community for 12 years. He was offered a senior position as IMG Manager in 2009 at Metro Central Education District and was appointed Circuit Manager in 2016 at Metro East Education District – a position that I held until my retirement in 2020. He is currently an Educational Consultant, serving on the Training Team of the SAOU and is a temporary position as the headmaster of a private High School in Somerset West since October 2023.
Dr Henk’s qualifications include:
Dr Punt holds a Primary Teachers Diploma and Teachers’ Diploma (Handwork) from Paarl Teachers College, BA degree from University of Stellenbosch, a B.Ed degree from University of Stellenbosch, Masters degree from University of Stellenbosch, and finally a PhD degree from the University of Stellenbosch. He is also a member of IODSA (The Institute of Directors in South Africa).
Who is Mr Alvin Phumudzo Rapea?
Mr. Alvin Phumudzo Rapea is a South African citizen residing in Gauteng. He is the Director of Tshivhambe Trading. He is also a GEMS Board Of Trustee member and currently serves on the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee, Oversight Committee on Strategic Projects and Programmes and lastly the Risk, Social & Ethics Committee.
Career Highlights include:
Mr Rapea has served the National Government of South Africa and State-Owned Companies in the following roles: The Department of Civilian Secretariat for the Police Service, Secretary for the Police Service or Director General. He worked at the Department of Public Service and Administration as a Deputy Director General and Acting Director: General, Special Advisor to the Minister for Public Service and Administration, Human Resource Manager at The Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA), Organizational Development Manager at ESKOM and Interim Manager Human Resources at the National Credit Regulator. He worked in the private sector as National Project Manager and Executive Leader at the Business Against Crime South Africa (BACSA), a Consultant at Medscheme and a Partner Corporate Education at Regenesys Business School.
Mr Rapea served as a Board Member in the National Home Builders Registration Council, Public Service Sector Education and Training Authority (PSETA), Gautrain Management Agency (GMA), Mvula Trust and Program for Technical Careers (PROTEC).
Mr Rapea’s qualification include:
Mr Rapea holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Limpopo, Post Graduate Diploma in Management from Wits Business School, Diploma in Labour Law from Graduate Institute of Management and Technology (GIMT) and Certificate in Executive Coaching from University of Cape Town. He is a member of Institute of Directors (IODSA) and Coaches and Mentors of South Africa (COMENSA).
Who is Dr Mpho Rabada?
Dr Mpho Rabada is a distinguished health and business consultant with extensive experience in sustainable development, public health, occupational medicine, and strategic management. Dr Rabada's career spans over two decades, marked by a robust portfolio of leadership roles and consultancy engagements including working in the National Health System. He has been an Independent Consultant since 2017, providing expertise in health, wellbeing, safety, and business process re-engineering. His contributions to organizations such as the Minerals Council South Africa, the National Department of Health, Discovery Health Consultancy and Afrocentric amongst others, have been pivotal in shaping strategic responses to public health challenges, including tuberculosis and COVID-19.
Career Highlights include:
Dr Mpho Rabada served as the Vice President of Gold Fields Health, Safety, and Sustainability, overseeing comprehensive employee healthcare and operational efficiency. His strategic initiatives focused on enhancing productivity through well-being promotion and prevention, ensuring a strong alignment between health outcomes and business objectives. Earlier in his career, Dr Rabada held key positions in the Gauteng Health Department as Executive Health Manager and at the Civil Aviation Authority as an Acting Senior Manager. He has also practiced as a Family Practitioner, gaining invaluable insights into patient care and community health. An active contributor to the healthcare community, Dr Rabada has served on several committees and boards, including the Ministerial Occupational Health Advisory Committee and the Medical Advisory Board for the Compensation Commissioner of Occupational Diseases. His commitment to improving health systems is reflected in involvement in various community projects, educational initiatives, and stakeholder engagement activities. Dr Mpho Rabada’s competencies in leadership, performance management, and strategic planning have made him a sought-after advisor in health policy and management. He is known for his ability to motivate teams and drive organizational efficiency, while maintaining a strong focus on ethical standards and accountability.
Dr Rabada's qualifications include:
Dr Rabada holds a master’s in business administration (MBA) from the University of Surrey (UK), and a dissertation in health economics and healthcare financing. He also earned a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBCh) from the University of the Witwatersrand in 1997 and possess other notable certificates.
Community Involvement:
In addition to his professional pursuits, Dr Rabada is dedicated to climate change, community service and social cohesion; and youth empowerment, demonstrating his belief in the importance of giving back and fostering the next generation of leaders. His passion for health advocacy and sustainable development continues to guide his work in improving health outcomes across diverse populations. Dr Rabada's unique blend of medical expertise and business acumen positions him as a leader in the intersection of healthcare and management, making significant contributions to the health and wellbeing of communities both locally and internationally unlocking community shared value.
Who is Advocate Sibongile Sigodi?
Adv. Sibongile Sigodi is a distinguished Advocate and legal professional with over three decades of experience in various facets of law, including human rights, constitutional law, and local government law. Her legal career began at the Legal Resources Centre in South Africa, where she worked on public interest cases prior to her admission to the Bar in 1993. Following her admission, she practiced as an Advocate, representing clients in criminal and civil matters, and serving as an assessor in criminal trials. Her commitment to justice and human rights was further demonstrated during her tenure as a member of the Amnesty Committee of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission from 1997 to 2001, where she adjudicated amnesty applications related to gross human rights violations.
In 2004, she took on the role of Manager of Legal Services at the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality, where she honed her expertise in Local Government Law, Administrative Law, and human rights issues. This was followed by her appointment as the Chief Director of Legal and Executive Services in the Presidency of South Africa in 2007. In this capacity, she provided legal and executive support to the President and managed complex litigation matters until her retirement in December 2022. Throughout her career, adv Sigodi has been an advocate for women's rights and empowerment, reflected in her academic thesis on the role of women in armed conflict and her contributions as a consultant for the World Bank on gender and law issues. Additionally, she has played an active role in various community initiatives, including the founding of the Rape Crisis Center in Port Elizabeth. Her extensive experience is complemented by her involvement in numerous international conferences and her membership in professional organizations, including the Port Elizabeth Bar and the Women’s Law and Public Policy Fellowship Program. As a former Chairperson of the Board of Trustees at Furntech, she supported the entrepreneurship in the furniture and wood products sector, promoting sustainable economic growth and skills development. With a rich blend of local and international legal experience, Adv. Sigodi remains a dedicated advocate for justice, human rights, and the empowerment of women in legal and public policy frameworks.
Advocate Sigodi's qualifications include:
Adv Sigodi is a graduate of the University of Natal, where she earned both her Bachelor of Laws (LLB) in 1990 and her Bachelor of Procurement (B.Proc) in 1988, she furthered her education in 2002 with a Master of Laws (LLM) in International Legal Studies from Georgetown University Law Center in Washington D.C, focusing on International Women’s Human Rights.
Dr Nomzamo Tutu
Mr Siyabulela Thomas Tsengiwe
Ms Nkobane Constence Ntshane
Dr Izak Jacobus Van Zyl
Dr Frederik Johannes Smit
Mr Pierre Francois De Villiers
Ms Lebohang Precious Khumalo
Mr Pulane Neville Ndumo
Dr Hendrik Pieter Punt
Mr Alvin Phumudzo Rapea
Dr Mashoto Mpho Johannes Rabada
Adv Sibongile Sigodi
Who is Dr Stan Moloabi?
Stanley is a qualified Medical Practitioner registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (the HPCSA).
Career highlights include:
He started his Medical career as a Medical Officer in the Public Sector then as a Private Family Practitioner, successfully running a Clinical Private Practice for 13 years. He joined the Corporate Sector in August 2005. He worked at Medscheme and served as a member of the Managed Care division Exco. He then joined GEMS as the Executive of Healthcare Management and served as the GEMS Acting Principal Officer for a period of a year. He then left GEMS to assume duties as the Principal Officer of Medshield Medical Scheme one of the top ten Open Medical Schemes by size that are registered in South Africa, a position he held until 15 May 2018.
He re-joined GEMS as the Chief Operations Officer from 01 June 2018 until 31 January 2020. GEMS is the second biggest medical scheme and the biggest closed medical scheme registered in South Africa. He is now the Principal Officer of the Government Employees Medical Scheme from 01 February 2020.
Dr Stan Moloabi holds the following qualifications:
Dr Stan Moloabi obtained his primary medical degree – MBChB at the then Medical University of Southern Africa (MEDUNSA) now known as Sefako Makgato University (SMU). He obtained a Certificate on Global Health Delivery online course from Harvard University. During 2019, he attended and participated in a short course on Leading in Health Systems: Integrating Effort, Improving Outcomes receiving a certificate from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and various other Continuing Professional Development attendance courses.
Who is Dr Vuyokazi Gqola?
Dr Vuyo Gqola is a registered Medical Practitioner with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA). She has worked at various State health institutions, with particular experience in Pediatrics and HIV Management. She joined the managed care industry in 2010, and was appointed as GEMS Executive: Healthcare Management in September 2015. She heads the Scheme’s Healthcare Management Division which is responsible for managed care services, including clinical risk management, healthcare networks, provider relations, tariffs and billing, tariff negotiations, and healthcare strategic sourcing.
She was appointed as GEMS Chief Operations Officer on 01 September 2024. She is responsible for overseeing and ensuring the operational efficiency of the Scheme’s Operations & Administration functions, which include the Administration and Transaction Services Division, Member Service and Experience Division, Healthcare Management Division, and Information and Communication Technology Division.
Dr. Gqola represents GEMS on the Board of Health Quality Assessment (HQA), a not-for-profit organisation that conducts annual quality assessments on medical schemes with the aim of assisting decision-makers and policymakers in evaluating and improving the quality of care received by members.
Career highlights include:
Dr Vuyokazi Gqola has implemented the Emerald Value Option, which has resulted in improved outcomes and subsequently won the 2019 Board of Healthcare Funders Titanium Award for Creating Access to HealthCare. Leading successful annual tariff negotiations from 2015 to date and implemented the GEMS Hospital Network for EVO and Tanzanite One. Progressive implementation of alternative reimbursement models (ARMs), including value-based care programs in ambulatory and in-hospital care.
Dr Vuyo Gqola holds the following qualifications:
A Bachelor of Science (BSc) from the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal (UKZN), BSc (Hons) in Microbiology (UZKN), Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) from the University of Cape Town (UCT) and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Health Care Leadership (University of Stellenbosch). Her recent Continuous Professional Development certificates include: a certificate in Expert Negotiation (Gordon Institute of Business Science - GIBS), certificate in Global Health Delivery (Harvard University) and a certificate in The Strategy for Healthcare Delivery (Harvard Business School).
Who is Dr Selaelo Mametja?
Dr Selaelo Mametja brings to her roles as the GEMS Chief Research Officer core strengths in public health, health economics, management, health policy; the medical aid industry, bioethics & law and pharmacoeconomics.
Career highlights include:
Dr Mametja oversees product development, knowledge management and actuarial and analytical services, reinforcing the Scheme’s competitiveness through innovative research and development programmes.
Dr Mametja comes to GEMS from the South African Medical Association, where she was head of knowledge management and research for five years. Before that, she was a health economist with the Council for Medical Schemes, developing and prioritising mandatory healthcare.
A member of several professional bodies, including the Health Professions Council of South Africa and the General Medical Council, she is also a fellow of the College of Public Health Medicine of South Africa. Her expertise has led to several ministerial appointments over the years including working groups of the World Medical Association and the local chapter of the UNESCO Bioethics Committee.
Dr Selaelo Mameja holds the following qualifications:
She holds a Masters in Medicine Degree in Public Health from University of Cape Town (UCT), a Certificate in Business Management from UNISA and a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery degree from the University of the Witwatersrand. Postgraduate Diplomas in Health Management, from UCT, completes her academic portfolio. She lectures in public health, health policy and bioethics & law at various universities.
Who is Ms Gloria Nkadimeng?
Prior to joining GEMS, Ms Gloria Nkadimeng was Group Head Information & Communication Technology at the City of Johannesburg, Public Services Business Executive at Gijima, Enterprise Strategy Consultant at Microsoft and General Manager Information Management at the City of Tshwane
Career highlights include:
Currently, Ms Gloria Nkadimeng is charged with providing strategic leadership, vision and direction to the ICT Division in rendering Information and Communication Technology services to GEMS.
Ms Gloria Nkadimeng holds the following Qualifications:
Ms Gloria Nkadimeng holds a Masters Degree in Automated Management Systems acquired in Havana, Cuba. Certificate in Business Management from the Centre for Business Management, UNISA.
Who is Mr Evan Theys?
Evan Theys joined GEMS on 1 February 2018 as Company Secretary and Legal Counsel.
Career highlights include:
He is an admitted attorney with experience in the life insurance industry and as a Company Secretary, and has been in various sectors of the medical schemes industry for the past 19 years.
Evan Theys holds the following qualifications:
Evan Theys has a BA LLB from the University of the Western Cape, a LLM and Postgraduate Diploma in Tax Law from the University of Cape Town and a MBA from Stellenbosch University.
Who is Mr. Andre Cowley?
Mr. Cowley has over 20 years of experience in governance, risk management, compliance, strategy, engineering, project management, business intelligence, knowledge management, information management, and organisational restructuring. He has worked in large and multinational organisations as a specialist, senior manager and functional manager, as well as in medical schemes, consulting, manufacturing, construction and engineering, research and development and retail.
Career Highlights include:
Mr. Andre Cowley holds the following qualifications:
Bachelors Degree in Engineering; Master Degree in Engineering (University of Stellenbosch)
Certified Risk Management Practitioner; Certified Risk Management Professional (Institute of Risk Management South Africa)
Who is Mrs Karyna Van Lingen?
Mrs Karyna Van Lingen has extensive experience in directing organisational finance, operations and compliance functions.
Career highlights include:
A five-year tenure as Head of Finance at the Competition Commission responsible for Strategic and Business Planning (finance area), People Management, Basic Administration and Compliance, Policy Implementation and Service Delivery.
She joined GEMS in 2007 and is responsible for implementing the Scheme strategy, in particular managing Scheme finances, Scheme investments, implementation and processing of financial, accounting and administrative requirements (inclusive of relevant policies and related compliance matters) as well as directing and oversight of Scheme actuarial work and external audits.
Mrs Karyna Van Lingen holds the following Qualifications:
CA (SA), B Compt, B Compt (HONS), Postgraduate Diploma in Auditing CA(SA), Senior Management Programme – UP, Director membership – IOD, Director membership – Sirdar SA, Member – SAICA – CA (SA)
Who is Ms Masingita Chavalala?
Ms. Masingita Chavalala is an accomplished leader with extensive experience gained in both the public and private sector. She started her career as a Project Consultant in a management consulting firm and has, throughout her career, gained a wealth of knowledge in strategy management, project portfolio management, programme management and business optimization. She joined GEMS in 2015 as a Senior Manager: Project Management responsible for the establishment and management of the GEMS Project Management Office (PMO). She was appointed as Executive Manager: Office of the Principal Officer from 01 June 2022 and is responsible for the oversight of the GEMS strategy management function which includes the planning/shaping, formulation, monitoring and evaluation of the Scheme’s strategy, and is also responsible for the development and integration of the Environmental, Social and Governance Strategy (ESG) into the GEMS environment. Ms Chavalala is a member of the Institute of Directors SA (IoDSA) and the Project Management Institute (PMI).
Career Highlights
Some of Ms Chavalala's career highlights include being appointment as Acting Chief Administration Officer of GEMS during a vital transition period (December 2016 to October 2018) and spearheaded the establishment of the GEMS Project Management Office. She was also part of a team that successfully established a National Government Department after the 2009 National Elections (Economic Development Department which has since merged with the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition).
Ms Masingita Chavalala holds the following qualifications:
Ms Chavalala holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from Regent Business School, a Postgraduate Diploma in Programme Management (Cranefield College), Advanced Diploma in Project Management (Cranefield College), a Certificate in Healthcare Strategy (Harvard Business School) and various Certificates in Advanced Strategy Management (UNISA). Ms Chavalala has also participated in professional development courses including the General Management Programme (GIBS), Organisational Leadership Programme (Harvard Business School), Leadership Strategies for Evolving Health Care Executives (Harvard Business School) and a Course in Digital Transformation Strategy (UCT).
Who is Mr. Zaahir Elias?
Mr. Zaahir Elias is a Qualified Chartered Accountant and a Certified Internal Auditor (SA). He is also a skilled Executive Financial Management Professional with 23 years of experience.13 years of experience in Audit, Risk Management and Forensic Investigations at a Director level, in industries such as chemical, mining, agriculture, transportation and Logistics, Shipping and has extensive experience in the Public Sector. Zaahir’s role has been to provide crucial management advice on reporting, compliance, risk management and internal controls, ensuring the alignment of organisational strategy and resources to an organisation’s vision and governance policy.
Career Highlights include:
Mr. Zaahir Elias holds the following qualifications:
Who is Mr Reginald Sadiki?
Mr Sadiki is a seasoned strategic leader with over 26 years of experience in healthcare administration, strategic planning, clinical risk management and project management, client relations and stakeholder engagement, and over six years of managing various disease management programmes and implementing healthcare service provider networks, thereby improving access to primary and specialised healthcare.
Career highlights include:
Throughout his career, Mr Sadiki has held various senior management positions with reputable healthcare organisations, including the Government Employees Medical Scheme, Optimum Medical Scheme, and the Council for Medical Schemes. One of Mr Sadiki's most significant achievements was being part of the HM team that developed and launched the Efficiency Discount Option at GEMS. He also led GEMS' negotiation strategy team, allowing GEMS to secure better pricing from hospital groups and labs.
Mr Sadiki served as an Executive Manager in the Office of the Registrar at the Council for Medical Schemes, overseeing strategy, performance, risk management, and special projects. He further led a pivotal project to restructure and optimise operations through process mapping.
Mr. Sadiki has earned a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Pretoria's Gordon Institute of Business Science. He also has an Honors degree in Management, a Financial Management certification, and a Bachelor's degree in Business Management.
Ms Malinda Lubbe holds the following qualifications: BCom (Law), an LLB, a Higher Diploma in Tax, a Diploma in Labour Law and a Certificate in Income Tax.
Who is Dr Audrey Mareme?
Dr. Audrey Mareme is a highly accomplished Human Resources and Organisational Development specialist with extensive experience in strategic HR leadership. She has a strong track record in shaping and implementing human capital strategies that drive organisational growth, talent development, and workplace transformation. Her expertise spans across multiple industries, including water utilities, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, and government institutions.
Career highlights include:
Dr. Audrey Mareme has held several senior leadership roles across various industries, demonstrating expertise in human resources strategy, organisational development, and talent management. She has served as an Executive Human Resources Manager at Magalies Water Board, Group Organisational Development Manager for Southern Africa Sub-Sahara at Ericsson, and Organisational Development Manager at Adcock Ingram Pharmaceuticals. Her career also includes roles as a Human Resources Manager at Productivity South Africa, a Human Resources Consultant at the Independent Development Trust, and a Human Resources Practitioner at the Independent Electoral Commission. In these positions, she has been instrumental in driving workforce transformation, performance management, leadership development, and employee engagement initiatives.
Dr Audrey Mareme holds the following qualifications:
Dr. Mareme holds a Doctorate in Business Administration from Mancosa, a Master’s in Human Resources from Heriot-Watt University, an Honours degree in Psychology from the Medical University of South Africa, and a Bachelor of Social Sciences from the University of North West. She also obtained a Bachelor in Human Resources Development from the University of South Africa, along with diplomas in Psychology from Intec College and Human Resources from Damelin. Additionally, she has completed various advanced programs in Senior Management and Strategic Human Resources Management, further solidifying her expertise in the field.
Dr Stan Moloabi
Dr Vuyokazi Gqola
Dr Selaelo Mametja
Ms Gloria Nkadimeng
Mr Evan Theys
Mr Andre Cowley
Mrs Karyna Van Lingen
Ms Masingita Chavalala
Mr Zaahir Elias
Mr Reginald Sadiki
Ms Malinda Lubbe
Ms Marjorie Nqala
Ms Audrey Mareme
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