


King IV Report on Corporate Governance

The GEMS Board of Trustees formally adopted the King IV Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa, 2016 (King IV Report) with effect from 1 January 2018 by means of Board Resolution 2 of 2017. 


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Audit Committee

The Board of Trustees, in terms of section 36(10) of the Medical Schemes Act 131 of 1998, are required to appoint an audit committee of at least five (5) members, of which at least two (2) shall be members of the Board of Trustees.  The remaining three (3) members must be independent of the Board, including the Chairperson.  An Audit Committee Charter that provides guidance to its members determines its authority and duties.


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Audit Committee
Clinical Governance and Administration Committee

Clinical Governance and Administration Committee

The primary responsibility of the Committee is to assist the Board of Trustees in ensuring the efficient operations of the Scheme by providing oversight, assessment and review of all administration aspects of the business of the Scheme. To this end, the Committee assists the Board of Trustees in ensuring that seamless interaction takes place between the various service providers in order to meet the operational objectives of the Scheme...



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Risk Social and Ethics Committee (RSEC)

This committee has been mandated by the Board of Trustees to ensure sound corporate governance controls by providing oversight, assessment and review of the risk management policy, maintaining ethics and compliance within the scheme. The committee must comply with the Medical Schemes Act’s regulations, patent and trademark legislation and deal with any legislative matters in the scheme..


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Clinical Governance and Administration Committee

Human Resources and Remuneration Committee

The primary responsibility of the Committee is to ensure sound people management of Scheme employees by providing oversight, assessment and review of the maintenance of relevant Human Resources and Remuneration policies of the Scheme.

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