
Emergency Services

GEMS has an Emergency Medical Services (EMS) provider network that provides unlimited emergency medical assistance to our members.

How does it work?

The EMS network is open to all EMS providers (ambulance services) that meet our criteria. When you call the emergency telephone number on 0800 44 4367 the Emergency Medical Evacuation Dispatch (EMED) centre will assign an EMS provider for the specific incident. You can call the EMED centre 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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Emergency medical services include:


Steps to follow in an emergency:

  1. Dial 0800 44 4367 to contact the EMED centre.
  2. Give the telephone operator your personal details (name and contact number) .
  3. Give the telephone operator the address or location of the incident.
  4. Give a brief account of what happened at the scene (include the following details):
  • Provide the patient’s age
  • Inform the operator whether the patient is male or female?
  • Inform the operator whether the patient breathing?
  • Inform the operator whether the patient is conscious or unconscious?
  • Detail the current state of the patient.

      5. Confirm the patient's medical aid number and personal details
      6. Don’t hang up until the telephone operator gets all the necessary information.

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Tell your dependants about this service- (This information is also available on Member Guide)

Please ensure that your registered dependants know about this service. Inform your child's school about their GEMS membership and give them the emergency medical service number.

If you need to be transferred from one hospital facility to another, please inform the hospital you’ve been admitted to that you’re a GEMS member and that any hospital transfers must be authorised by the scheme. Call the EMED centre on 0800 44 4367 for more information.