This refers to medicine that is used on an ongoing basis to treat permanent or persistent chronic illnesses that negatively affect your health and quality of life.
Chronic medicine is usually prescribed for longer than three months and helps to control a disease and its progression. This prevents complications that can lead to hospitalisation, disability, or death.
Chronic medicines must be pre-authorised by the Medicine Management department to ensure appropriateness and cost-effectiveness. Not all medicines are fully paid for as GEMS uses formularies and a Drug Reference Price (DRP) system to determine the appropriate reimbursement rate for a group of medicines. The medicines are grouped according to generic or therapeutic similarity.
It is important to always check with your doctor to see if the most cost-effective appropriate medicine is prescribed according to the DRP list and the formulary list so that you do not incur co-payments.
For more information about the formulary and DRP lists, please read the Chronic Medicine Guide on the GEMS website (click on For Individuals > Member Guides).
GEMS will pay for chronic medicine prescribed according to the Scheme's clinical guidelines. This means that even if we cover a condition, we may NOT pay for all requested medicines from your chronic medicine benefit if it is not in line with the clinical guidelines.
Only diseases listed on the Chronic Disease List (CDL), as it appears in the Medical Schemes Act, and the Additional Chronic Disease List (ACDL) for each option qualify for chronic medicine benefits. Prescribed medicine not on the CDL or ACDL lists will be paid from your acute medicine benefit.
For more information, please read the Chronic Medicine Guide on the GEMS website (click on For Individuals > Member Guides) or call us on 0860 00 4367. You may also e-mail outlining the information you require.